Looking for an alternative to keep animals and critters out of your food supply that isn’t as expensive as a bear canister but is more durable than a simple mesh or plastic bag hung from a tree? Well, try GrubPack (http://www.grubpack.com/).
Grubpack is an animal resistant bag made of stainless steel mesh. It is flexible and durable, although an animal could still crush your food if they wanted to. It comes with a polyester Velcro closure which seals better when wet. It is also UV resistant and comes with a brass grommet for hanging. Use it with something like an OPSAK bag to make it waterproof.
So, how much? 18” x 15” (1,178 cu/in) is $29.99, 18” x 20” (1,864 cu/in) is $32.99, and 18” x 26” (2,275 cu/in) is $35.99.
If you're wondering, Rat Sack also makes a similar product (www.armoredoutdoorgear.com).
You can also get an Ursack or an Outsak. Both of which are also a good defense against small teeth.
Thanks for stopping by Mr./Ms. Anonymous.
I typically use an Ursack or Opsak myself in a mesh bag to hang from a tree, but this is really only a valid option in certain parts of the world. In the American southwest for example, trees aren't readily available to hang a bag. When bear canisters are just too much, the GrubPack is a good option.
I've had a Grubpack for several months now. I've used it on a half dozen weekend hikes, but bought it (a medium size) for a 4 day Grand Canyon trip. It's a great lightweight piece of gear. It's simple and it works. Where no trees or posts are available, I stake it to the ground so the furry guys don't drag it away. Their website suggests putting food in sealed plastic bags before packing it into the GrubPack. This helps reduce scent, but I've only done that on trips where rain was in the forecast. I recommend the Grubpack.
MadMike, thanks for stopping by and for adding excellent first-hand experience.
The Outsak UL is a nice option. Lighter than a traditional Ursack and much lighter than any other mesh bag. I got to field test the Outsak UL. It is a nice little bag. Worked well. No animals got in it, or damaged it.I think it is the best option for the mesh bags. Check out the Outsak bag comparisons.
This really spoke to me when I looked at it. Thought I would share it.
Thanks for GrubPack tip. I bought one in a hurry for a trip that came up quickly to Washington state. Others in my party had real problems with the mice or squirrels or something that tore into their food. My food stayed untouched in the Grubpack. The people at Grubpack were really good folks to deal with. They explained all features and answered my questions about sizes and capacity, etc. I compared to the Outsack that others mentioned, but the Grubpacks had much better prices. I am VERY happy with mine.
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