Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nano Striker

One of the great things about blogging is the collaborative environment it inherently creates as people openly share their knowledge. Backpacking further brings with it a community which shares an unspoken bond of good naturedness and apathy which I've long appreciated.

In a recent blog I talked about a new flint striker that I wasn't thrilled with and one of our readers (Thanks Basti!) brought to my attention another great video by Jason Klass (http://www.geartalkwithjasonklass.com/2009/12/exotac-nano-striker.html) in reference to a product by Exotac known as the Nano Striker.

The Nano Striker is a ferrocerium rod encased in aluminum (or titanium if you have the money). Why is this useful? Well, I carry my flint striker around my neck and the sweat from my chest has degraded it substantially. Rather than have it clanking around outside of my shirt and getting caught on branches, the Nano Stricker is a nearly ideal solution for my needs because it keeps it dry. Course, Jason and his readers figured this out a year ago when he posted his video. SORRY, I missed it!

The Nano Striker is $27 ($75 for titanium) and comes in at 14.5 grams. I like the fact that it comes in multiple colors depending on whether you need it to be obnoxious or not. For example, mine is blaze orange as keeping it highly visible while backpacking is important to me.

The unique aspect of the Nano Striker is that the user essentially unscrews it to gain access to the ferrocerium rod and striker. One end is screwed to the rod side to make the handle longer which overall creates a very nice system. The striker itself is very short, but very sharp and can even be further sharpened if necessary. It claims to last for about 1,000 strikes. The aluminum is aircraft grade and little rubber rings help ensure the contents remain dry. It comes with a lanyard and extra rubber ring in addition to a nice little box and instructions.


  1. I missed this one too, thanks for posting it. And just in time for Christmas shopping!

  2. I saw this when Jason Klass posted it, and I know others that have gotten this as a result. I would love to try one sometime, but for now my scout model fire steel is working jsut fine so I guesss I will have to wait until it wears down... I am also going to have to get a necklace with these things on it sometime too. For now I just carry these things in my pack, so I guess I am kinda defeating the purpose. Anyway, thanks for feeding the fire... :)

  3. I hope you'll enjoy your new "toy". I especially like the orange color.
    When I purchased mine they had only black and grey. Both very stealthy but also easy to get lost. I've switched the lanyard to a brighter colored one to get rid of that problem.

  4. Cool post. I didn't know they made a titanium version!

  5. I just got one for Christmas. I love my Light My Fire scout, but it'll be neat to see how they compare.

  6. @ Jon - The manufacturer is at http://www.exotac.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=181, although you can find it from other vendors if you search "exotac nano striker". Good luck.
