Friday, December 21, 2012

Support CleverHiker.com Video Series on Ultralight Backpacking

Dave Collins of CleverHiker.com in Portland Oregon reached out to me and asked me to spread the word about a project he is working on regarding an Ultralight Backpacking Series.

After taking a look at Dave’s website, I knew this was a project I could stand behind. Essentially, it is his goal to spread the word of ultralight backpacking both in gear and technique by video. He intends a series and beyond to spread the gospel of ultralight backpacking, educate, introduce the topic to those who may not see ultralight gear at their favorite gear shop, and to debunk some myths. There is a video at Ultralight Backpacking Series which gives you a visual on what he is trying to accomplish and also looks to you to help fund the project with a goal of $10,000.

A couple quick things I picked up from the site.

1) Dave is an Eagle Scout as are his three brothers and his parents are both Scout Masters. He even has a dog named Scout. Oddly enough, so do I.

2) He hiked the PCT in 2009. That’s enough for me to know he is experienced enough at putting one foot in front of the other and experiencing real world, long-term backpacking challenges on a solid trail.

3) I was a fan of Dave’s stated beliefs. He said, “Our belief is that backpacking provides some of the most rewarding experiences. Our goal is to improve those experiences and inspire you to plan your next trip.” A noble goal if you ask me.

When I started backpacking, there were no videos about ultralight backpacking and only a handful of written resources. I spent a lot of time and money on junk I didn’t need. As this industry grows, it’s nice that people like Dave at CleverHiker.com are willing to put in the time and effort to lead the growth of the industry so others can enjoy that which you and I likely already discovered – a lighter pack is more enjoyable and can be equally safe.

With the holiday season in full swing, stop by the fundraising arm of Ultralight Backpacking Series and offer up some of your hard earned money for a worthy cause. There is a time limit, so the sooner the better.


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