Assuming the rest of us aren’t that trusting and treat our water to
some degree, we each likely use a variation of chemical treatment, UV light treatment,
or filter option. Throughout the years I
tried each of these to varying degrees and elect to bring one over the other
depending on the situation and environmental conditions. At some point I even used a homemade inline
water filter with scrap parts from MSR and Sawyer, but found the whole system
to be entirely too finicky and cumbersome.
My first treatment option was a PUR pump filter (380g). From the start I hated it. It was clunky, expensive, heavy and
clogged. In fact, it has sat in my closet
unused for the last 8 years or so after crushing my hand in the pump mechanism following
getting the handle wet where personal fatigue and a slip caused the pump to
crush down on my fingers.

the last several years I’ve primarily used the chemical treatment Katadyn Micropur
($8 for 20). It is a small, lightweight,
and inexpensive tablet. I use this
product with some kind of homemade pre-filter, like a nylon mesh bag and coffee
filter, or a 1 micron biodiesel bag. For
me, this option has been wonderful and effective.
A product offering similar
performance to the filters above called LifeStraw (www.lifestraw.com) is better known in third
world countries and persons planning for emergencies than to backpackers. Of no surprise after reading the accompanying
marketing literature, this product was originally created to help those
affected by the Haitian earthquake and floods in Pakistan. It is also frequently used by Faith-based organizations
servicing impoverished countries on behalf of the United Nations and holds
numerous awards to include those from CNN, TIME magazine, and others.

LifeStraw is a tube capped on both ends with a filter on the inside and
otherwise no moving parts. After
uncapping the ends, the user simply dips the bottom portion into the water
source and sips from the other end. I
found the flow to be comparable to the Frontier Pro which is the easiest for me
to use. It comes with a helpful lanyard
and the caps help avoid dirt and cross contamination.

As I mentioned, this is a nice option.
You can purchase yours at Green Beetle Gear (http://www.greenbeetlegear.com/).
For a more expansive understanding of water nasties, check out my
earlier post at http://jolly-green-giant.blogspot.com/2009/03/lightweight-water-treatment-options.html
some of which is posted below for reference:
PROTOZOAN CYSTS – These are hard shelled, single-cell parasites which include
Giardia and Lamblia and range in size from 5 to 15 microns. This also includes
Cryptosporidium Parvum which is 2 to 5 microns in size. Giardia occurs in the
small intestine where cysts hatch and give you diarrhea, gas, nausea, and/or
cramps and symptoms appear within 1 to 2 weeks and can last 4-6 weeks or
longer. Those with weakened immune systems could be more heavily impacted.
Cryptosporidium can give you similar symptoms and can also include loose stool,
cramps, slight fever, and an upset stomach. These systems generally appear in 2
to 10 days and typically last 2 weeks. Animals and humans carry Protozoa.
2) BACTERIA – Bacteria are smaller organisms which can include E. Coli, Salmonella, Cholera, and Campylobacter Jejuni. They range from .2 to 10 microns and symptoms include diarrhea with appears within 6 hours or 3 to 5 days and last 4 days or longer. Animals and humans carry Bacteria.
3) VIRUSES – Viruses represent the tiniest of organisms ranging from .004 to .1 microns. They include Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, Norwalk Virus, and even Polio. Although these are the least commonly found pathogens in the wilderness water sources, they represent often the most harmful. If you were wondering, most waterborne viruses which affect humans in the backcountry come from human fecal matter.
4) CHEMICALS AND RUNOFF – As the name implies, another water-nasty includes agricultural runoff (herbicides, pesticides, etc.) and industrial runoff (metals, mine tailings, etc.).
2) BACTERIA – Bacteria are smaller organisms which can include E. Coli, Salmonella, Cholera, and Campylobacter Jejuni. They range from .2 to 10 microns and symptoms include diarrhea with appears within 6 hours or 3 to 5 days and last 4 days or longer. Animals and humans carry Bacteria.
3) VIRUSES – Viruses represent the tiniest of organisms ranging from .004 to .1 microns. They include Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, Norwalk Virus, and even Polio. Although these are the least commonly found pathogens in the wilderness water sources, they represent often the most harmful. If you were wondering, most waterborne viruses which affect humans in the backcountry come from human fecal matter.
4) CHEMICALS AND RUNOFF – As the name implies, another water-nasty includes agricultural runoff (herbicides, pesticides, etc.) and industrial runoff (metals, mine tailings, etc.).
(Disclosure: This product
was provided to me free-of-charge for the purposes of this review and is owned
by me. However, any information
contained herein is my personal opinion without bias.)
I saw you mentioned that the flow rate was comparable to the Frontier Pro, how did you test that? Was it via gravity filtering or just through use of the filter?
What do you think of the taste of creek or stream water after being filtered through the LifeStraw? I've found it to be quite unusual compared to both the Frontier Pro and the Frontier Straw. Curious to know what you think about that.
Have you experienced any slow down in the flow after use in more murky, silt filled water sources such as standing water in a small creek? I've put many gallons of untreated/natural water through one of mine with no issue, but a different LifeStraw had issues with clogging - did you experience that, or have you been cleaning the filter as you go?
What would you say is the dirtiest type of water you have used it on and what was the result? Sorry for all the questions, there wasn't a lot of real-life usage information or feedback in your post, I just would like to compare how your experience of using it in the field compares to my own.
Overal I'm very impressed with the LifeStraw. Bulky (not heavy) but does everything it claims to do. Thanks - ^BG
@ Brian -
All great questions. Honestly, I found it quite comparable to the Frontier Pro more than anything. I based my flow rate both off gravity and my own personal ingestion experience.
I tend to take very good care of my gear as I somewhat believe that is implied. To me, this means I didn't intentionally allow it to gunk up just to evaluate how it worked after the fact. I suppose that's a reasonable test, just not something I did as I don't picture a scenio with my gear where I'm using it in the worst possible conditions. As such, you can assume I cleaned it as best I could after each use.
The water I tested it on varied - tap water and stream/river water primarily. The stream/river water was clear at times, murky after a rain at times, and silty at others mainly because there wasn't much volume or there was a lot of run off from melting snow. The straw worked fine in all circumstances, although as expected, it was more challenging the more murky/silty the water.
I think it is a very good option for what it is intended - an emergency water filter or a filter for people in more desolate areas of the world. I don't want to imply that it is my first choice for my own personal filter for backpacking as I generally use chemical treatment and some kind of prefilter, the Super Delios or the Aqua Mira Frontier (or straw).
I don't intentionally put my gear through hell just to test it either, but sometimes I get more than one of something to test and don't mind doing so - just wasn't sure if that was the same for you and if you had gone further than you had originally mentioned.
I think it excels in the use case you mentioned. If you had nothing else but this straw, you'd be in good shape. I doubt it will ever be my primary filter, but I'll definitely keep one in my bail out bag!
Thanks for the speedy response :)
Any sense of the Delios filter device - http://jolly-green-giant.blogspot.com/2011/05/meet-super-delios-water-filter.html ?
I know they've had supply issues from Japan, but it looks like a nice variation on some of these devices.
@ Anonymous - I love the Super Delios and it is excellent for backpacking. It is my second choice above simple chemical treatment. Following Japan's earthquake and related nuclear disaster, production of these has definitely been slow. I'd just like to see them in the U.S. The design was improving and otherwise they are a great product.
I've had a lot of luck with the Frontier Pro as a simple and cheap filter system. My Hyperflow gets clogged quickly when I'm filtering water out of black water creeks common in the lowcountry of South Carolina. I noticed a significant slow down of flow with the Frontier Pro but it did manage an acceptable flow rate without any field service.
With that said, the Frontier Straw seems like an interesting alternative. Thanks for the post!
Don Meredith
Very interesting. I'm going to have to study this a bit more. I almost always use the micropur and aqua mira tablets, but I've always wanted to try something that's faster acting (either steripen or a light filter). I'm going to have to look at this some more... either the Frontier Pro or the LifeStraw. For simplicity and reliability, what would you recommend?
@ Ryan Linn - This filter has its place principally as an emergency filter or one appropriate for the third world use where it thrives. Although it wouldn't be my first choice for backpacking, it is an excellent one for those going the economic route. I personally use chemical treatment, but I'm a huge fan of the Super Delios and the Frontier Pro. I have a SteriPen, but to me there are just too many cons for me to carry it (expensive, electronic, fragile, battery driven, doesn't physically filter, etc.).
I guess I should try the Frontier Pro at some point. I also use the chemicals for sheer convenience, but sometimes I just wish I could drink right out of the stream without the 20 minute wait. Glad you posted about this... I'll have to check out my options some more this summer :)
@ Ryan Linn - You're a pretty well-traveled guy so I'm sure it won't surprise you that I'm saying this - but I think backpackers are often overly concerned about water quality as I know entirely too many people who drink straight from many sources without any treatment and are just fine. But nonetheless, I'm personally too chicken to roll the dice because I only have so much Immodium AD with me and not much willingness to be miserable. Oh well.
Yes, there certainly is a lot of more worry about giardia than is necessary. I've seen enough people get it to know I don't want to take the chance, though :)
I'm thinking of taking a Frontier Pro as well as a dropper bottle of bleach (0.5 oz). Bleach for when I don't need water immediately, Frontier Pro for when I really want it right away. That seems like a decent compromise to me.
Ryan - I did the same thing as you propose for a long time: Frontier pro + chlorine dioxide tabs, but using bleach would be cheaper. The CDC has good instructions on this for those who want to try it. I'm using the Sawyer Squeeze filter now and think it's a good solution too because you can drink from it like the FP, but it also us a fast gravity flow filter that makes it easy to fill a bottle without waiting.
life straw mentions filtering out at .2 microns and larger.
aqua mira frontier or straw 15 microns.
isn't that a big difference to consider?
@ Julie - You're exactly correct. Different filters protect you from different things, so naturally there is a risk/reward paradigm in the sense that you need to evaluate what you're likely to encounter versus how much you have to spend (assuming weight and bulk are the least of your worries).
Take a look at the link below for how small water nasties can get:
Course, I believe some overthink this too. I've never personally had an issue drinking tainted water and I've sipped from many mountain streams without a filter. My reality is that the higher in elevation I am, away from livestock and chemical runoff - the less likely the source will be contaminated. It would be an interesting experiment to see if there is any legitimate danger from sources commonly found on popular hiking trails or this somewhat newfound push to carry filters is merely marketing hype.
Good luck.
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