I looked for work religiously for 4 months. I work in a very unique field, so I knew finding employment was going to be challenging at the on-set. What I didn’t realize is how deeply the effect of the results from the U.S. Presidential election in November and shameful decision to sequester all U.S. Government agencies would have on my job search. In this time, I didn’t meet a single hiring manager who wasn’t impacted from both of these events and easily voiced disdain over the leadership of the country. Over the course of 4 months, I applied for roughly 500 jobs. Of those, only 10 weren’t cancelled or put on hold because of the sequestration. Of the 10, I was interviewed for 7 positions. Of the 7, I was offered 4 positions and avoided 3 after learning that the position was not a good opportunity.
In the end, I found new employment and so far I’m quite content with my new employer. Unfortunately, my new employer is 130 miles from my home. Until my house sells, I’ve been living out of a suitcase 5 days per week while my wife and two children try to keep things as close to normal as possible which seems relatively absurd being that my interaction with them is now limited to weekends or brief conversations over e-mail and video chat. It is heartbreaking to say the least, but I’m hoping this short-term struggle will turn into long-term happiness.
I never paid much attention to those who were unemployed until I was personally impacted. I think it is fair to say that many likely don’t appreciate certain topics until it impacts them. On September 11th 2001, I was scheduled to be in the Pentagon at 9am for a meeting. The evening before, the person I was supposed to meet called to tell me he had an unexpected flight the following morning and we were able to hash out our concerns over the phone. Whether I escaped the tragedy that occurred on that day or not, I was deeply impacted by the events. My next door neighbors worked at the Pentagon and shared stories of pulling bodies out. My girlfriend’s coworker was on Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania and his last words to his wife over his cell phone were the immortal, “Let’s roll”, a common phrase he used with his children which his wife interpreted to be the moment that he and the passengers decided to rebel against the terrorists. I remember living right next to Dulles airport and the eeriness of no flights in the air for several days except for military fighter jets. I remember family and friends breathless and unable to comprehend the events, only to feel emboldened when I’d see an American-made truck driving down the road with an oversized American flag rigged to stand proudly and confidently in the whipping winds. This was an event that impacted me personally and just about everyone I knew in some way. The impacts have never left the area even though many other parts of the nation and the world are able to quickly get back to their busy lives. In the last two weeks, I find myself wondering if the people of Boston have a renewed appreciation for the War on Terror following the cowardly, feckless and anti-human actions of two youth who perverted and misunderstood their own religion to justify the maiming, injury and death of innocent and loved people from all walks of life. Yet even as personally as I feel about these events, I likely completely under appreciate the same sense of insecurity and hardship that those in Israel and other similar areas experience on a daily basis.
While it is unfair to relate terrorism to unemployment, it is with a similar lens I now look at unemployment, meaning I look at it very personally. Now news stories and political decisions impacting jobs mean something to me. Those people waiting in line at the Employment Commission are people with families and lives. They and I are the same. The people I see standing outside my local Walmart with a dirty backpack and a sign saying “Will work for food” are people who could very well have been me and are people I now stop for to hand over groceries or money. Layoff's, even with my new company, are met with deep concerns for people I don't even know and I find myself looking deeply into their faces to find some hope that they'll make it.
In the 4 months it took me to find a job, I reflected on life quite a bit. While I never was foolish enough to believe I was entitled to anything and always believed it was by the grace of God alone that I had any joy or peace whatsoever, it was clear that I didn’t appreciate the depths of the reality that truly no one was ever required to offer me a job again and there were no guarantees whatsoever that another paycheck was going to be deposited. The fact that I was a hard worker, educated, skilled, competent, and a “good human” meant very little to the wind in the trees which seemed to have about as much impact on me getting a job as did the majority of positions for which I applied.

The overwhelming reality that I needed a job and an income were merciless. At no time ever in my life did I come to the conclusion that my future, and that of my family, may very well literally be in my own hands and in the resources I had amassed in front of me. When knee-deep in this affliction of despair, and truly having limited options, I felt I had no choice but to start learning and appreciating how to live SIMPLY and DELIBERATELY both now and for the foreseeable future.

And the photos in this blog? Well, when there is a legitimate possibility that one may have no choice but to live in the woods if all else fails, one had better learn bushcrafting skills. My backyard now looks like a pioneer camp from the 1800's and I feel I have added another arrow to my quiver of lightweight backpacking skills. And so my education in life continues, just this time without needing much more than nature (although an axe, knife, small handsaw and some snares are plenty helpful).
If everybody you might work for isn't hiring because of a submicroscopic momentary reduction in the rate of growth in non-productive government pseudo-jobs, maybe you should acquire skills that are worth something in the private sector.
Or move to the richest and fastest growing places in the US, all of which are clots of federal parasites and lobbyists around DC.
Meanwhile, the rest of us have to support ourselves, our families, the minority of government employees who add value (police, fire, roads, maybe half the military, coasties, etc.), AND carry all the parasites on our backs.
Twelve years in one job? Not in my industry. It's competitive. Employers come and go.
Very well said. I'm hopeful I can learn from your experience without having to experience those things myself. You've caused me stop and think. Thank you.
I haven't checked this blog in months and yet tonight for some reason I did. I so sorry for all your troubles, but this is what we all been told to expected. Each days has trouble enough.
So keep your chin up and GOD will show a way.
@ Anonymous – Thanks for stopping by, but to be fair, I’m going to largely disagree with you. Describing our current climate of unemployment and sequestration as a submicroscopic momentary reduction in the rate of growth in non-productive government pseudo-jobs both minimizes the actual impact and fails to acknowledge all those outside of government employment who are directly impacted.
Take for instance the environment around Washington DC which you mentioned. In northern VA alone, over 40% of residents work for the federal government. But, likely over 50% work for contractors in support of the federal government. Having resided in this area for the majority of my life, my personal estimate is much higher if I only reflect on the places I’ve lived and the fact that the majority of my neighbors during this entire time, in different locations, were federal contractors. When the government decides to cut back, it directly impacts contracts issued to private industry. When industry has fewer contracts, they reduce their work population too.
But I’ll take it a step further. I’ve worked for the federal government and for federal contractors. My entire career has been one or the other. My salary alone supports a family of 4 which is why unemployment is particularly damaging. My wife tries to supplement our family income by doing part-time daycare. In the period since the election and sequestration, she lost two of her clients. Why? Well, one was laid off and the other was furloughed so many times that their family doesn’t have a consistent and reliable income sufficient to be able to pay for daycare. So we’re not just talking Government employees, or just contractors, but also every other collateral person that has a vested interest in these industries. In my immediate family, 4 people are impacted by my job and further impacted by lack of day care clients. How many restaurants, shopping areas, hotels, etc. are all impacted?
The answer is far more than just federal employees. There are over 21 million people currently looking for full-time work and that doesn’t include people who have been unsuccessfully looking and simply dropped out of the job hunt. Those in the employment market are at low rates which we haven’t seen since the 1970’s. The problem is by no means small and I can assure you it doesn’t feel temporary when you’re the one impacted.
But I’m in entire agreement with you that having broader skills more easily employable is the real key. Course, the crystal ball on my high school guidance counselor’s desk didn’t quite work that way and I’ve learned trying to start from scratch mid-career as the solo income earner for a family of four is a bit challenging. I know, because I’ve gone back to school to work on a graduate degree in another field and found that I neither had the time nor money to finish it, nor the financial stability to start all over again in life. Just my two cents from having walked the walk.
A nice article, but I suppose I should cop to a "few goods" bias, rather than the opposite. Cleaned my back closet yesterday, got rid of 100lbs of old books and computer cables, feel good.
I'm happy to hear you've found employment. Thanks for sharing your story.
I googled "ultralight life" tonight and happened upon this fresh post, from this month. I, too, am sorry to hear about your troubles. There seems like in our society there's a need for a dropping out of culture, that the idea of "looking for a job" may have something fundamentally and paradoxically wrong with it. This quote, from Wendell Berry, in the 2012 Pen/O. Henry Short Stories collection:
"Suppose we had not tolerated teh transformation, in the official and then the public mind, of vocation to 'a job,' which is to say the transformation of the farmer, the tradesman, even the sharecropper (all subsistence-based) to an 'employee' helplessly dependent on an employer and 'the economy' and interchangeable with any other employee."
This is where I am shifting in my thinking--Americans need to get used to making their own living, literally. Building things, making things, growing things from the ground. Our society has made its way away from that, and it seems, somehow, indispensable.
@ Melissa - Great insights. For me, it's never been the what, but the how, when trying to figure out how to unplug and subsist. Like food from the grocery store, I, like many, feel tethered to a redefined society and a set of norms taught since childhood which doesn't seem to fit my way of thinking or my life. Yet toil away is all I have done.
Great article, thank you for sharing! You will come out stronger from it.
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